How do I set up the driverapp?

In this article, you will find the steps to set up the driver app

Cashdesk offers the possibility to use an app for your drivers. In this app drivers can see routes, call the customer or let the customer pay via an Ideal QR code. Also, as a manager in the restaurant, you can track the locations of your drivers. 

In order to start using the driver app, follow the steps below:

  1. Contact the sales department of Cashdesk to start your 30-day free trial (after this 30-day period, each license will cost €3.50 per month.)
  2. Make sure your driver has an account in Cashdesk If you don't know how to make an account, check this article.
  3. Go to the app- or playstore and search for Cashdesk Driver. Download the app.
  4. Use the login details from your Cashdesk account to login to the driver app.
  5. Once an order is assigned to a driver via Cashdesk, it should now show in the app. 

If you have any troubles with tracking, it is most likely due to the settings of the phone. Below some things you can try if it's not working as expected:


  1. Make sure your location is enabled by going to settings> location
  2. In the screen mentioned above, press app permissions and find the driver app. Make sure to change it to always allowed.


  1. Navigate to settings.
  2. Click privacy.
  3. Select tracking.
  4. Make sure the option to allow tracking requests from apps is on
  5. check if the permissions also apply to the driverapp

Next, check that the app has the appropriate permissions. Below is a roadmap:

  1. Navigate to settings.
  2. Select the delivery app.
  3. Make sure the Allow tracking option is on.
  4. Then select location.
  5. Make sure to allow location access option is set to always