How do I adjust the maximum discount amount for the cash register? (30 seconds) 

In this article, you can adjust the maximum discount amount for the POS.


1. Login credentials for 3.0 Cashdesk

  • Navigate to your cash desk, log in with your login credentials, and click on settings.

  • Go to the interface section in the menu and select employees.

  • This allows you to set the amount of discount your employees can apply to an order.

    Maximum Discount Amount (€): The maximum amount of discount that an employee can apply to an order. For example, if this setting is set to €5, an employee can give a maximum discount of €5 on an order.

    Maximum Discount Percentage (%): The maximum percentage of the total order amount that an employee can give as a discount. For example, if this setting is set to 10%, and the total order value is €20, an employee can give a maximum discount of €2.