How do I enter an order in Cashdesk 3.0

Entering an order in the POS 3.0. through the order management module

  1. Log in to your POS system from 3.0
  2. Go to order management.
    stap 1 order
  3. Open the "new order" field at the top right.
    stap 2 order
  4. A new screen opens.
    stap 3 order
  5. In the new screen you can choose between:
     -Eat in
    stap 3.1 order
  6. Enter the requested information in the field on the left any info is optional. Like customer name, phone number, etc. You also have the option to search for a customer. 
    stap 4 order
  7. Select the icoon in the field with the customer date to view the customer details. general info, address details and order history.
    stap 9 order
  8. Choose a timed order or choose as soon as possible
    stap 10 order
    stap 10.1 order
  9. (optional) Add a remark. From the customer, permanent or for internal use.
    stap 11 order
  10. (optional) Select allergens filter. 
    stap 12 order
  11. Select labels to see the age restriction.
    stap 12.1 order
  12. Select the appropriate menu at the top, on the right side of your screen
  13. Select the appropriate products and/or optional or mandatory choices.The selected products are visible in the shopping cart.
    stap 14 order
  14. Click on discount in the input field, you have the choice of a percentage discount, or to enter an amount in the input field.
  15. Discount is possible on the entire amount or on a number of products of your order.
    stap 15.1 order
    stap 15.2 order
  16. Click on "save order" and a pop-up will appear on the right side of your screen, indicating that the order has been created.
    stap 17
  17. To view the just created order, click on orders at the top left of your screen.
  18. A new screen will open with all open orders.